Monday, 23 July 2007

Starting your blog

Some guidelines for getting started in Blogger. You need a Google account, then go to and follow the instructions to build you blog. I am suggesting this free blog because it is a large and powerful and convenient, being part of the Google empire. If you already have a blog or two it is still desirable that you start this one just for the course. The following is advice, not compulsory.
  • the blog is in two parts - the visible part, that looks nice, and the management part; when you are in the view section, see the Customize link top right to get to the management area. In this area see the View Blog link to get back, and also the Dashboard link to take you to overall control panel.
  • In the management (Customizing) view go through the following....
  • Settings: select Permissions and go for the middle setting - only viewable by people you invite.
  • Template choose the look you like.
  • Posting (writing an entry) Introduce yourself. Add some images if you can. Remember privacy: we plan this to be a closed network, but think about what you want to disclose about yourself. If you open it to public view, anyone can find your information. I just did a google search on my name and Woomera (where I went to primary school) The first search result was this blog!
Then Publish and go to View Blog. The little pencil icon is the edit button if you want to modify it. Others will only be able to see your great creation if you go to Settings/ Permissions and add their email address in the Invite box.

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