Sunday, 23 October 2011

Blogsy: a decent drag and drop blogging app for the iPad

At last, a respectable and good value ($5.40) app for blogging. Just link it to your blogging app - Blogger, Wordpress, etc, and then some easy HTML text editing, and drag and drop images and video.
There is a nice twin view - the edit view (write side) and publish (rich side) and the user swipes between them. Very cool. The edit page has complex looking HTML code on it but there are buttons to access the main format tools so there is no need to be familiar with HTML, just the ability to not be fazed by seeing it.
Inserting an image is the test for me. From the rich side, click on the image icon and locate an image that has been saved, and drag and drop it onto the page, and simultaneously choose its format and size. Very simple.
Finally, the iPad is not embarrassed by its file management. Creating and inserting an image is now dead simple.
  1. saved screen shot - press button and on/off together
  2. Open image in camera roll and go to Edit to crop the required area
  3. return to Blogsy and in the rich side, click the images icon, find the camera roll and drag the image into an envelope and upload it.
  4. back on the rich side, drag the image to where you want it L or R aligned
The number formatting is achieved by selecting the option in either view. Not a difficult exercise, but an unnecessary step in any regular blog.

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